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Synthetic Biology and Coronavirus:

Preventing Future Pandemics

While COVID-19 may be entering the endemic phase in much of the world, having a greater understating of the underlying biology of coronaviruses is as essential now as it was when the pandemic first began. Furthermore, harnessing the advanced innovations that comprise much of the synthetic biology realm is critical to deciphering the inter-workings of this highly adaptable virus.

In this webinar, speakers Dr. Krishna Kannan and Dr. Silvi Rouskin bring decades of experience in synthetic biology and viral research, blending the 2 topics in a seamless way.

Together, their presentations will enable you to connect how synthetic biology design and build processes can help in viral research enabling the design of novel therapeutics to prepare for future pandemics.

Topics to be covered

  • How to build complex genomes using the BioXp®
  • Coronavirus gene expression and recombination.
  • Synthetic biology applications for nested genomes, frameshifting and discontinuous transcription


Silvi Rouskin, PhD

Silvi Rouskin, PhD
Assistant Professor
Harvard Medical School

Krishna Kannan, PhD

Krishna Kannan, PhD
Senior Director of Product Development
Telesis Bio

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Telesis Bio

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