Automating the revolution in Synthetic Biology
Join Telesis Bio at WoTS, September 27-30, 2022
Accelerate breakthrough discoveries with automated synthetic biology
Telesis Bio empowers researchers to accelerate discovery by providing end-to-end automated solutions to rapidly and securely build synthetic DNA and mRNA. Creators of the award winning BioXp® system — the world’s only synthetic biology workstation that can build DNA and mRNA overnight — and the industry-standard Gibson Assembly® method, Telesis Bio provides comprehensive solutions across synthetic biology workflows.
By eliminating the traditional synthetic biology bottlenecks in discovery workflows, we are accelerating breakthroughs in the fields of personalized medicine, biologics drug discovery, vaccine development, genome editing, and cell and gene therapy. Experience up to 20x increases in productivity by accelerating your Design. Build. Test cycles with our automated solutions.
Telesis Bio cordially invites you to booth 07A091
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Meet our Experts at WoTS
Stephan Schrooten
Business Development Manager
Stephan has a degree in biotechnology and 25 years of experience supporting customers within academic, biotech and pharma on a variety of different genomic applications. Stephan has recently joined Telesis Bio as Business Development Manager responsible for the Benelux. Stephan does look forward meeting you to learn about your work and discuss how your workflows would benefit from our technology.
David J Weiss
Senior Product Manager - Systems
David is a Senior Global Product Manager focusing on the development of new technologies that support the acceleration of synthetic biology workflows. He has 26 years of experience in the Genomics field ranging from benchtop science to launching next-generation tools for genome engineering. He recently joined Telesis Bio and is excited to drive their flagship synthetic biology automation platform, the BioXp, to even greater heights.
Michael Hanson
Business Development Manager
Michael Hanson has over ten years experience in automating genomic workflows, from sample prep to sequencing and synthesizing DNA. He is the Business Development Manager responsible for Western Germany and Switzerland at Telesis Bio and excited to introduce you to our vision for Synthetic Biology.
Andrew Jones
Field Application Scientist
Andrew is a Field Application Scientist, supporting researchers in accelerating their synthetic biology workflows. With over 10 years’ experience in the life science research, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and clinical research industries, he is knowledgeable, enthusiastic and driven to help scientists in achieve better, more impactful data, faster. Andrew is thrilled to join Telesis Bio and be a part of the synthetic biology revolution, and is excited to meet you and introduce you to our visionary technology.
Case study: How Cellibre transformed enzyme engineering with Telesis Bio
Scientists at the biotech startup Cellibre scientists teamed up with the Telesis Bio scientists to identify a novel enzyme for cannabinoid production and hone its performance using targeted libraries from Telesis Bio — doing so much faster and more cost-effectively than any other method would have allowed.
“Targeted libraries allowed us to make very complex designs that we normally would not be able to test. The Telesis Bio approach gives us whatever mutations we want, and the data we get are so much more powerful and more predictive.”
— Russell Komor, Director of biochemistry at Cellibre